Comms engineer, hobby photographer and future Red Teamer.
Arduino/Genuino 101 BLE Thermometer With TMP102 and Blynk
2.8K Views, 17 Favorites
Pixie: an Arduino Based NeoPixel Wristwatch
20K Views, 214 Favorites
Turn Your Old 2.5'' or 3.5'' Hard Drive Into Portable/External
95K Views, 421 Favorites
Arduino Capacitive Sensor in Less Than 2 Minutes
28K Views, 191 Favorites
DIY: a 5 Minutes Contactless OLED Thermometer With Arduino and MLX90614
25K Views, 115 Favorites
DIY Cardboard Glider
55K Views, 131 Favorites
ThermoClock: an OpenSource Arduino UNO OLED Clock That Also Measures Temperature
14K Views, 174 Favorites
DIY: a 5 Minutes Arduino Voltmeter With an OLED Display
32K Views, 179 Favorites
IoT Weather Station With Adafruit HUZZAH ESP8266 (ESP-12E) and Adafruit IO (UPDATED)
40K Views, 238 Favorites
How to Update the Firmware of Your Arduino Wi-Fi Shield (not 101)
10K Views, 113 Favorites
Arduino OLED Thermometer and Hygrometer With DHT11 for Beginners
69K Views, 535 Favorites
DIY Arduino Thermometer With DS18B20
53K Views, 179 Favorites
(OUTDATED) How to Flash Windows IoT Core on Raspberry Pi 2 and Access to It Through Web Browser
12K Views, 193 Favorites
How to Open and Clean Your Old Mechanical Watch
23K Views, 70 Favorites
How to Bring Old Hand Drill Back to Life
7.4K Views, 90 Favorites
Making LCD Thermometer With Arduino and LM35/36
119K Views, 263 Favorites